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New Year’s Resolutions for Your Money

The New Year is a great time to overhaul your life for the better and lots of us will be making our resolutions today. A good place to start is to make solid financial resolutions that can help you get closer to your money go

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als in 2018; whether that’s saving for something you need or finally sorting out those finances.

One of your resolutions could be to set a family budget and start the year as you mean to go on. And if you can consolidate any debts and clear your credit cards it will make it easier to stick to your budget. A manageable, fixed term loan from a credit union like CLEVR will help you to do this.

It’s also worth thinking about how other resolutions might benefit your finances. For example, are you giving up smoking? Have you decided to be healthier this year and ban takeaways? Are you planning on cancelling those subscriptions you never really use?

The money you’re saving will probably just disappear unless you put it aside. How better to tell the financial difference than to put your savings away in an account with your credit union and watch them build? Plus, you’ll be helping your local community – another great way to be better in 2018.

To find out more about loan and savings options from CLEVR, visit email

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