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Money For Christmas With an Affordable CLEVR Money Loan

Now that we’re in autumn and the days are getting shorter, minds inevitably start turning towards the festive season ahead and to practical matters like money for Christmas . At the best of times, finding the money for Christmas could be difficult; no matter how carefully you try to budget and save there always seems to be another expense just around the corner to put a hole in the pot you’ve managed to build. Money for Christmas is likely to be more difficult than usual to find, given the rate at which inflation has been running for most of the year and, in particular, the sharp rises in the cost of energy.

Despite the recent price cap announcement, energy costs are going to really start impacting as autumn turns to winter. And with most people’s wages falling behind the rising cost of living, finding the money for Christmas is going to be even harder than usual. When we talk about money for Christmas we know this might mean something different for each of our members. For some, it will be the cash they need to get presents for the kids, or just a little extra to treat everyone to special food and drink. Some of our members may even be looking at money for Christmas to fund a seasonal break, while others are going to have family staying and would like to invest in some new furniture or a redecoration makeover. No matter what you want to spend your money for Christmas on, taking out a responsible loan could make all the difference.

It’s understandable to worry that taking out a loan means piling up debt for the future and finding money for rising repayments. Indeed it often does mean that when using high-interest credit cards, or borrowing from doorstep or payday lenders. But, as CLEVR Money is an ethical and responsible lender, we make sure the loan works for you and doesn’t cause more problems further down the line.

We often encourage people to use their savings in the first instance but understand when folks are reluctant to dip into a pot they’ve painstakingly built over a long period which was intended for a sudden emergency or a special event like a family wedding. For CLEVR Money members, our responsible loans provide the ideal solution.

You can borrow the money for Christmas from us safe in the knowledge that you’re dealing with an ethical, non-profit organisation which keeps interest rates as fair as possible. We treat our members as people, not numbers on a screen, and only offer loan amounts and repayments plans which we believe they’ll be able to cope with.

Being ethical also means that our money for Christmas is loaned in a totally transparent way. If you take out a loan you’ll know exactly what you’ll be paying back each month, what the interest rate is and, most importantly, how much interest you’ll be paying to the penny. What’s more, you can relax in the knowledge that we won’t surprise you with hidden fees, because we don’t believe in them.

When you borrow money for Christmas from us you can look forward to choosing exactly how to spend it on the Christmas you want, and not worrying in January about how you’ll pay it back.

Representative example. Borrowing £1,000 over 12 months will cost £100.47 per month. Total amount repayable is £1,205.64 which includes interest at 42.6% APR. The figures given above are for illustrative purposes only. The actual interest rates and repayment amounts may vary subject to loan amount and status.

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